Artificial Intelligence 

·       Definition of Artificial Intelligence
-        The field and science of making the machines understand the world just like humans and attain human levels of thinking and decision making on their own is known as Artificial Intelligence.

Let see how Early Man innovate and make life easy

·      Evolution of Human Intelligence
-        In the history of human evolution certain pathbreaking events led to the development of humans and made us what we have evolved into a world of intelligent human beings. Some of the important milestones in the history of human evolution include :-
-        Discovery of fire, when the Early Man learn to ignite fire by striking stones.
-        Early Man used to hunt for his food, but later on also developed the skill to tame animals and used them for their work.
-        Humans also learned to grow their own foods through farming.
-        Another breakthrough was the invention of wheel which made possible to travel long distances and explore the world.
-        Human invented their own way to communicate with each other, initially, through signs, symbols, and sounds and later on they developed scripts and languages.
Some of the modern day milestones include various discoveries and inventions like electricity, bulb, steam engines, telephone, mobile communications, nuclear energy, computers, internet, space exploration, medical science  and many more.

What is Artificial Intelligence ?
Humans have always been working to improve and achieve the next level in every domain of life and the next level in in every domain of life and the next big thing whose stepping stone has already been laid is going to be the field of Artificial Intelligence.
In 1956, John McCarthy, an American scientist,  coined the term of Artificial Intelligence and defined it as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines”. He is known as the father of Artificial Intelligence.
A lot of work has been done in the field of computer sciences and great efforts have been made to improve the efficiencies and speed of computing machines through development of both hardware and software.
Now computer can perform tasks which are not humanly possible. Recent development in advance computing and enhancement in computing power has resulted in the growth of normal computing devices into super computers. Now we are even exploring the possibilities of if exascale  computing. An exascale computing can perform one Quintillion operation per second, i.e. 1018 operation per second. Such super computing devices will contribute towards the future of Artificial Intelligence.
Another Aspect of development in computer science and internet connectivity is the volume of data that is available all over in digital formats and is increasing every second. Entire world is now connected through internet and enormous amount if information is flowing between connected devices. This has lead to evolution of another field of Big Data analytics and information security.
For years, humans have also been working to make machines talk to each other like humans, work like humans and take decision like human with their own intelligence. Even through there has lot of improvement in computing power and connectivity, advance level human like thinking and complex decision making is yet to be attained in machines.
Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are going to transform the world and will bring significant change to every aspect human life.

Application of Artificial Intelligence

AI is has started transforming various of field which are :
·        Space exploration and astrophysics
·        Medical science and healthcare
·        National security
·        Surveillance and monitoring
·        Anomaly automation
·        Robotics
·        Automobiles and transportation
·        Data analytics.