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Showing posts with the label QBASIC programsShow all
Program for calculation of profit & loss percentage
Program for calculation of Profit & Loss
Program based on LEFT$  using function expression
Program for determining the given string is Palindrome or Not using function
Program to reverse a string using function
Program for counting the total character, total vowel and total consonant of a word using function
Program for finding a character from a word
Program for determine given  string is Palindrome or Not
Program for reverse a strings
Here some program based on left$
Here some program based MID$ expression
Here some program based on right$ expression
Here some program based on left$ expression
QBASIC Programs for strings
QBASIC Program to find Greater  and Smaller number using Array
QBASIC Program for adding two array and shifting in third
QBASIC Program to find average of number using “Array”
QBASIC Program to find total sum of even number using “Array”
QBASIC Program for for Odd number using “Array”
QBASIC Program for Array