Here secondary storage is Hard Disk Drive and Primary storage is RAM.

-        In input unit raw data is inserted with the help of any Input device. So, that it can further transfer it for the processing. For e.g :-  Keyboard, Mouse, etc.

-        CPU can be defines as central processing unit.
-        CPU is also known as brain of the computer.
-        CPU has three unit ALU, CU and MU.
-        Full form of ALU is Arithmetic Logic Unit.
-        In ALU it is divided into two parts i.e. Logic Unit and Arithmetic Unit.
-        In Arithmetic Unit any arithmetic operation like (+, -, *, /, %) is performed.
-        In Logic Unit any logic operation like (<, >, >=, <=) is performed.
-        CU is known as Control Unit.
-        It coordinate all the operations which is performs by the computer system.
-        Control Unit takes the Instructions from primary memory and converts it into control signals and give it to the processor for further work.
-        It also control over all the peripheral and auxiliary devices which is attached to the computer system.
☆  MU
-        MU is know as Memory Unit which which helps us to store data temporarily and permanently i.e. Primary Storage and Secondary Storage .
*       Primary Storage : It is also known as RAM (Random Access Memory). Which is volatile in Nature i.e. it will persist the data on RAM Whenever the electricity is on if there is no power supply then the data is lost from RAM. So, it also known as Temporary Memory.
*       Secondary Storage : It is also known as Permanent Memory. The data which is stored on secondary memory do not required regular power supply to persist the data. It is Non-volatile in Nature. Generally Hard Disk Drive (HDD) is used as a secondary memory now a days.

        Output Device
-        It is the device where after processing output will generate.
-        There are different type of output depending up on need i.e. Hard Copy Output And Soft Copy Output.
*       Hard Copy Output : Hard Copy Output are those type which is printed on any paper with the help of output devices like Printer.
*       Soft Copy Output : Soft Copy Output are those type of output which is temporary in nature and it will print material with the help of any output device like Monitor VDU (Visual Display Unit).