Write a program to perform reversal operation on Array.

 /* Program to print reverse order using two array. */



 void main()


int a[5],b[5],i;

void reverse( int [], int [], int); // prototype

/* Below array taking input from user's. */

printf ("Enter 5 elements :-\n"); 

for (i=0;i<5;i++)


    scanf ("%d",&a[i]);


reverse(a,b,5); //calling the reverse function.

/* Printing outputs of reversed elemnts in array. */

printf ("Elements after revers are :-\n");

for (i=0;i<5;i++)


    printf ("%d\n",b[i]);



 void reverse (int x[], int rev[], int size)


int i,j=0;

/* Here the logics for reverse. */

for (i=size-1;i>=0;i--)



