• Distributed Processing :
- In distributed processing, every node makes its own decision. The final behavior of the Processing is the aggregate of the decisions of the individual nodes. Note that there is no single entity that receives and responds to the request.
Example :– Google search Processing. Each request is worked upon by hundreds of computers which crawl the web and return the relevant results. To the user, the Google appears to be one Processing, but it actually is multiple computers working together to accomplish one single task (return the results to the search query).

• Characteristics of Distributed Processing 
- Concurrency of components: Nodes apply consensus protocols to agree on same values/transactions/commands/logs.
- Lack of a global clock: All nodes maintain their own clock.
- Independent failure of components: In a distributed Processing, nodes fail independently without having a significant effect on the entire Processing. If one node fails, the entire Processing sans the failed node continue to work.

• Components of Distributed Processing
- Node (Computer, Mobile, etc.)
- Communication link (Cables, Wi-Fi, etc.)

• Advantages of Distributed Processing  
- Low latency than centralized Processing – Distributed Processing have low latency because of high geographical spread, hence leading to less time to get a response

• Disadvantages of Distributed Processing  
- Difficult to achieve consensus
- Conventional way of logging events by absolute time they occur is not possible here.