Here's a quick overview of the main folders you'll find in a typical Laravel project:

1.       app/ Directory

-        This is where most of your application logic lives.

-        Controllers handle HTTP requests and return responses.

Example: app/Http/Controllers/WelcomeController.php

-        Model represents the databases.

Example: app/Model/ WelcomeModel.php

2.      bootstrap/ Directory

-        Contains the files needed to bootstrap the framework.

-        Sets up the application and handles the request lifecycle.

Example: bootstrap/app.php

3.      config/ Directory

-        Holds configuration files for different parts of your application.

-        Configure database connections.

Example: config/database.php

4.      database/ Directory

-        Includes files related to the database.

-        Basically, in this folder you can define the structure of tables.

Example: database/migrations/2024_08_01_000000_create_users_table.php

5.      public/ Directory

-        The entry point for web requests, serving static files.

-        All web requests are routed through this file.

-        Basically, in this folder you will find styling files, images, scripts, etc.

Example: public/index.php

6.      resources/ Directory

-        Holds your views, raw assets, and language files.

-        A Blade template for the welcome page.

Example: resources/views/welcome.blade.php

7.      routes/ Directory

-        Defines all the routes for your application.

-        Contains routes for web interface requests.

Example: routes/web.php

8.      storage/ Directory

-        Used for storing logs, compiled views, and other files.

-        Keeps a log of the application's activities.

Example: storage/logs/laravel.log

9.      tests/ Directory

-        Contains your application's automated tests.

-        A sample test case to check if the application is working as expected.

Example: tests/Feature/ExampleTest.php

10.  vendor/ Directory

-        Holds all Composer dependencies.

Note: This directory is automatically created when you run composer install.        

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